Bibliography for Arturo Pérez-Reverte, THE CLUB DUMAS

This bibliography is an effort to provide the one thing really missing from Pérez-Reverte's engaging novel, so thick with references to books that one might wish, someday, to track down and read or inspect. Included are both books that are fabrications of Pérez-Reverte's rich imagination and books that exist independently of his imagination. I have rarely sought to distinguish between the two types of books. Excluded is the complete catalog of Dumas novels spread over two pages of Chapter 4; only those works otherwise mentioned in the Club Dumas text are listed here. "n.a." means "no author," and "no author" could mean that the book's authorship is not attributed to anyone or that I cannot find the name of the author. Readers of this bibliography are invited to contribute missing information. Corrections and any other comments are welcome, too.

Oh, just for fun, I've inserted one completely bogus entry into the bibliography. Can you tell me what it is?

--Zack Replica


Adams, Richard, Watership Down

Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica

Agripa, Cornelius, De occulta philosophia

Alcott, Louisa May, Little Women

Aristotle, Poetics

Astarloa, Jaime, Treatise on the Art of Fencing

Balkan, Boris, Dumas: The Shadow of a Giant

Bielke, Baron, Polyglot Bible

Bulgakov, Mikhail, The Master and Margarita

Camões, Luís de, Os Lusiadas

Carpi, Berengario de, Tractatus

Casiano, Benedicto, Summa diabolica

Cazotte, Jacques, The Devil in Love

Cervantes, Miguel, Don Quixote

------, Persiles

Christie, Agatha, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

Cisneros, Francisco Ximénez de, ed., Polyglot

Clavel, Picturesque History of Freemasonry

Clement VIII, Pope, ed. (actually, CEO might be more accurate), Vulgata Clementina (edition of Christian Bible)

Colines, Simon de, Praxis criminis persequendi

Colonna, Francesco, La Hypnerotomachia di Poliphilo

Copernicus, Nicholas, De revolutionis celestium

Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien de, Memoires de M. d'Artagnan

------, Memoires de MLCDR (Monsieur le comte de Rochefort)

Crespet, Pierre, La haine de Satan

Crozet, --, Encyclopedia of Printers and Rare and Curious Books

Dante, The Divine Comedy

De la Porte, --, Memoirs

del Rio, Martin, Disquisitionum Magicarum

d'Este, Paolo, The Three Books of the Art (Les trois livres de l'Art)

Dickens, Charles, Pickwick Papers

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, The Brothers Karamazov

Doyle, Arthur Conan, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

------, A Scandal in Bohemia

------, Study in Scarlet

------, The Valley of Fear

Dumas, Alexandre, "The Anjou Wine" (Chapter 42 of The Three Musketeers)

------, The Century of Louis XV

------, The Chevalier de la Maison Rouge

------, The Chevalier d'Harmental

------, The Companions of Jehu

------, The Countess de Charny

------, The Count of Monte Cristo

------, The Forty-Five

------, From Madrid to Cadiz

------, Joseph Balsam

------, Memoirs

------, The Mohicans of Paris

------, Queen Margot

------, The Queen's Necklace

------, The Three Musketeers

------, Twenty Years After

------, The Two Dianas

------, The Vicomte de Bragelonne

Dürer, Albrecht, De Symmetria

Feval, Paul, The Hunchback

Fioravanti, Leonardo, Compendi dei secreti

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Faust

Guazzo, Francesco Maria, Compendium Maleficarum

Hawkins, Anthony Hope, The Prisoner of Zenda

Highsmith, Patricia, Carol

Homer, Ulysses

Innocent VIII, Pope, Sumnis Desiderantes Affectibus

Joyce, James, Ulysses

Kircher, Atanasius, Oedipus Aegiptiacus

Kramer, Henry, and James Sprenger, Malleus Maleficarum

Leblanc, Maurice, Arsène Lupin

Les Cases, --, Memoirs of Saint Helena

Lorena, Valerio, De magna imperfectaque opera

Maquet, Auguste-Jules, Buvat the Good, or the Conspiracy of Cellamare

Marquina, Eduardo, "The Sun Has Set in Flanders"

Mateu, --, Universal Bibliography

Maturin, Charles, Melmoth the Wanderer

Melville, Herman, Moby-Dick

Mérimée, Prosper, Corsican Revenge

Milton, John, Paradise Lost

Mitchell, Margaret, Gone with the Wind

Molière, Le Tartuffe

Montesquieu-Fezensac, Duke of, Le vrai d'Artagnan

n.a., Académie de l'épée

n.a., Asclemandres

n.a., Book of Wonders

n.a., Corpus Hermeticum

n.a., Curious Explanations of Mysteries and Hieroglyphs

n.a., De origine, moribus et rebus gestis Satanae

n.a., Destructor omnium rerum

n.a., Disertazioni sopra le apparizioni de' spiriti e diavoli

n.a., Imperial Violets

n.a., Key to Captive Thoughts

n.a., Lagardère

n.a., Royal Charter of Castille

n.a., Theatrum diabolicum

n.a. [Lucifer?], Delomelanicon

n.a. [possible partial author Fernando de Rojas], Celestina

n.a. [pub. Enrique Taillefer], The Secrets of the Barbecue

n.a. [pub. Enrique Taillefer], The Thousand Best Desserts of La Mancha

n.a. [unnamed supposed Nobel laureate], I, Onan

n.a. [unnamed supposed Nobel laureate], In Search of Myself

n.a. [unnamed supposed Nobel laureate], Oui, C'est Moi

Ollero, Julio, Dictionary of Rare and Improbable Books

Plancy, Collin de, Infernal Dictionary

Poe, Edgar Allan, The Murders in the Rue Morgue

Ponson du Terrail, Victor-Alexis, Rocambole

Pontius, Saint, De Consummatione saeculi

Ptolemy, Cosmography

Queiroz, Eça de, The Mystery of the Sintra Road

Remy, Nicholas, Daemonolatriae Libri

René, Lucas de, The Knight with the Yellow Doublet

Rivio, Juan, De spectris et apparitionibus

Roederer, Political and Romantic Intrigues from the Court of France

Rostand, Edmond, Cyrano de Bergerac

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, Confessions

Sabatini, Rafael, Captain Blood

------, Scaramouche

Samaran, Charles, D'Artagnan, capitaine des mousquetaires du roi, histoire véridique d'un héros de roman

Schedel, Hartmann D., Nuremberg Cronicarum

Schopper, Hartmann, Speculum Vitae

Shakespeare, William, Hamlet

------, Romeo and Juliet

Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo Vadis

Sinistrari, Ludovico, De Daemonialitate et Incubus et Sucubus

Souvestre, Pierre, and Marcel Allain, Fantomas

Stendahl, The Charterhouse of Parma

------, The Red and the Black

Stoker, Bram, Dracula

Sue, Eugene, The Mysteries of Paris

Taillefer, Enrique, The Dead Man's Hand, or Anne of Austria's Page

Tarnisso, Nicholas, The Secrets of Wisdom

Tolstoy, Leo, War and Peace

Torchia, Aristide, Book of the Nine Doors of the Kingdom of Shadows

Tory, Geoffroy, Champfleuri

Trevisano, Bernardo, The Lost Word

Tritemius, Abbot, Steganography

Ungern, Frieda, The Devil, History and Legend (uncompleted)

------, Isis, the Naked Virgin

Verona, Amaury de, "Angeline de Gravaillac, or Unsullied Virtue"

Virgil, Giunta's edition, Venice, 1544

Voragine, Jacobo de la, The Golden Legend

Zevaco, M., Los Pardellanes